Monday, October 28, 2019

Dehydrated Flaxmeal Crackers

Dehydrated Flaxmeal Crackers

Both of my parents and all of my grandparents have high blood pressure.  It is hereditary and I have this issue myself.  Before trying medication, I asked my doctor, who is a Naturopathic physician, to recommended things that I could change with my diet and lifestyle.  I used to smoke cigarettes and quit so that was one less thing to worry about.  

Amongst other things, my doctor recommended that I have a couple tablespoons worth of flax meal daily as it helps regulate blood pressure.  I was told that having the meal is better than the whole seeds. This allows your body to better absorb the nutrients.

A couple of ways to have flaxmeal are to sprinkle it over your food or put it in your smoothie.  I wasn't drinking many smoothies, so that didn't work for me.  I tried sprinkling it over my food, but that made it feel like I was eating saw dust.

That's when I thought of crackers.  This idea is not new.  It has been around for a long time.  So when I did an internet search, it returned many different versions.  I liked this one the best.

You can also modify this recipe by adding other seeds such as chia, substituting nutritional yeast for the Parmesan or adding in some additional spices. Create a variation that suits you.

1 cup Flaxmeal
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
1 1/2 teaspoons Garlic powder
1 dash of Dried parsley
1/2 cup Water

1) Mix dry ingredients well
2) Add water and mix well
3) Set a sheet of plastic wrap on your workspace
4) Place a few spoonfuls of mixture on the plastic wrap and cover with another sheet of plastic wrap.  This helps when transferring the cracker mix to your dehydrator. Work in small batches, it's easier to manage.
5) Dehydrate at 115 degrees for about 18 hours or until dry and crispy.

IG: @abundanceofvegetables
IG post of this video: Dehydrated Flaxmeal Crackers

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